Stuff george carlin youtube
Stuff george carlin youtube

stuff george carlin youtube

Hopefully, as we grow and mature, we realize this is purely silly nonsense, and its not what on the outside that matters, it is what inside that counts. And if you didn’t do this, you were normally exiled as a nerd, or laughed at, or just not put on the same level as the cool people who did follow the trends. Think back to those horrible high school days, those peer pressures to buy the newest fashions, to fit in with the crowd, to have designer name brand clothing. A year or so ago I blogged about the saying from Will Smith – Too many people spend money they haven’t yet earned to buy things they don’t need to impress people they don’t like” and damn, isn’t that the truth. Today, this morning, having coffee with Marshall and Marie talking about pressures Americans make for themselves – I referred them to this video.īut really, this video is so true….again I’ll generalize “us Americans”, but the average American is brought up to believe their life is measured by the size of their bank account, the neighborhood they buy their house in, the style of their car. Listened a few times to this video “stuff” lately, while in USA (when re-uniting with Andrew, Scott, and others) as well as over here in Asia again. Always liked George Carlin stand up…remember listening to it with my hometown friends Andrew Moran and others in grade school (yea, weird a little bit to listen to this stuff at such a young age).

Stuff george carlin youtube