Toad for oracle 12.1 installer
Toad for oracle 12.1 installer

toad for oracle 12.1 installer
toad for oracle 12.1 installer

8700 - 8799 Reserved for ? sql*connnect errors 8600 - 8699 Reserved for ? sql*connnect errors

toad for oracle 12.1 installer

8500 - 8599 Reserved for Protocol Procedural Gateway for 8400 UTL_RAW and UTL_PG error and warning messages 8362 - 8399 Reserved for nCUBE sosd errors (unassigned) 8340-8359 Reserved for nCUBE redo server errors 8200 - 8399 Reserved for NCUBE OSD errors 8175 - 8190 Discrete transaction error messages 7200 - 7499 Reserved for UNIX OSD errors 7100-7199 Reserved for SQL*CONNECT/IMS errors 7000-7099 Reserved for SQL*CONNECT/DB2 errors 6900-6999 Reserved for more SQL*Net errors


6700-6899 Reserved for TLI SQL*NET driver errors 6600-6699 Reserved for more SQL*Net errors 6581-6591 Reserved for European OEM Ports (contact: ) 6571-6579 Reserved for Plsql functions called from Sql 2139 - Reserved for precompiler runtime (SQLLIB) 1490 - 1499 Analyze Parse and Execution Errors 1384 - 1396 Reserved for 4K block size log file errors 1070 - 1099: V6 program interface errors 00710 - 00719 reserved for tablespace rename feature 00570-00599 SQL*Connect Opening & Reading Files 469-525 Detached process death errors (signaled in foreground) 440-460 Detached process startup errors 199 Distributed transaction errors (continued) 95 ksm large_pool_size and large_pool_min_alloc size errors 10 - 49 user session and session switching errors Grep '^/ ' $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/mesg/oraus.msg There are more captions in comments that have a format thast will not ber recognized by this grep command.


The output is shown in the following code block. I searched for *us.msg files in the $ORACLE_HOME directories and subdirectories of a 12.2 installation by executing find $ORACLE_HOME -name '*us.msg' and found the file $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/mesg/oraus.msg that contains error messages in increasing order of error number and often containing a comment lines that describes the type of the error numbers in the following range. I am not aware of a view that contains such information. Maybe this column contains such kind of information. Remember that it is difficult is because the field is varchar2 instead of date a bank modeling error however the company does not want to change either the bank or the front or the backend thus allowing the user by invalid characters in the field.įrom the Database Reference I see that the view V$DIAG_ALERT_EXT contains a MESSAGE_GROUP column. If someone has a better way to do this please show me, I'm new with Oracle and SQL. It got a little rough but it worked perfectly, if you make a mistake using SQLPlus remove the wrong date from ELSE and put NULL. Or so:SELECT b.data_admissao, CASE WHEN regexp_like(DATA_ADMISSAO,'(0||3)(0|1)(19|20)') THENĮND FROM TB_TESTE_DATA_01 b WHERE b.DATA_ADMISSAO = WHEN regexp_like(DATA_ADMISSAO,'(0||3)(0|1)ĮND) AND b.data_admissao <= TRUNC(SYSDATE) I managed to solve after hours testing, but God is good all the time and allowed me to find the solution, below follows the solution:SELECT * FROM TB_TESTE_DATA_01 b WHERE b.DATA_ADMISSAO =

Toad for oracle 12.1 installer